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Sweet Lake Land & Oil Co. v. Oleum Operating Co.

A Louisiana appeals court held that an oil company's oilfield cleanup plan was properly rejected by a trial court. An oil company sued a larger oil company alleging environmental damage to its property caused by decades of oil and gas exploration activities. The larger company was found 100% liable ...

Sierra Club v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit held that EPA did not violate the CAA by modifying, without notice and comment, its prior understandings of how to measure a proposed transportation project’s impact on ambient levels of particulate matter. In 2006, EPA revised “hot spot" regulations for fine particulate matter....

Seneca Resources Corp. v. Highland Township

A district court held that a township's Home Rule Charter prohibiting deposition of any waste from oil and gas extraction within the township and invalidating any state permit to the contrary was preempted by the SDWA. In 2014, EPA granted an oil company a permit for an underground injection control...

Gadsden Indus. Park, LLC v. United States

A district court held an Alabama industrial park owner can't pursue claims against the federal government for damage to its property that occurred during a Superfund cleanup. As part of the cleanup, EPA disposed of, cut, severed, tore up from the ground, and removed roughly 1,400 feet of track owned...

Sierra Club v. Zinke

A district court held that BLM violated the APA when it postponed compliance with Obama-era greenhouse gas emission rules. Several states and tribal citizen groups brought suit against BLM when it published a notice in the Federal Register postponing compliance dates for certain sections of the Wast...

FMC Corp. v. Shosone-Bannock Tribes

A district court held that a tribal appellate court had the authority to impose permit fees on an operator of a phosphorus production plant. The plant sits on 1,450 acres of land lying mostly within Shoshone-Bannock Fort Hall Reservation, and produced 22 million tons of waste stored on the reservati...

Illinois v. Nagle Station, LLC

An Illinois appellate court held that owners of an apartment building tainted by a leaky underground gasoline storage tank should have been allowed to join cleanup litigation brought by the state. The state sued two oil companies for a 2014 spill that contaminated soil and groundwater. The spill cre...

TDY Holdings, LLC v. United States

The Ninth Circuit reversed a district court decision that allocated 100% liability under CERCLA to a government contractor seeking contribution from the U.S. government. For 60 years the contractor operated a manufacturing facility where it manufactured aircrafts primarily for the U.S. government. F...

Columbia Riverkeeper v. Cowlitz City

The Washington state Shorelines Hearing Board denied plans to build a methanol refinery on the Columbia River because the plans failed to adequately consider greenhouse gas emissions. A manufacturing company proposed to manufacture methanol from natural gas supplied by a lateral pipeline, with the m...

Center for Biological Diversity v. EPA

A district court ordered EPA to issue infrastructure requirements for the 2012 fine particulate matter NAAQS for five states within 90 days. In 2015, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island missed their deadlines to present compliance plans for the 2012 fine p...