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Natural Resources Defense Council v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied environmental groups' petition to review a 2016 rule that EPA uses to determine whether an event caused by recurring activity is "exceptional" and thus exempt from a state's emissions report. The groups argued that EPA misread the definition of "natural event" under the excep...

Atchafalaya Basinkeeper v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

The Fifth Circuit vacated a lower court's decision to preliminarily enjoin a pipeline company from constructing part of a pipeline through the Atchafalaya Basin, a sensitive wetlands area in southern Louisiana. Environmental groups argued that the EAs conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (C...


The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court's denial of a car owner's motion to intervene in DOJ's case against a German automaker to resolve alleged CAA violations. The owner argued that DOJ's settlement with the automaker violated Virginia's SIP by not requiring all affected vehicles to be bought ...

Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit denied Delaware's petition to review EPA's decision granting the Philadelphia area an extra year to comply with national ground-level ozone standards. Delaware argued that the Agency's extension violated the CAA because not all four states in the Philadelphia area applied for an ext...

Sierra Club v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions from industry groups challenging EPA's new kiln air emissions standards for brick and clay manufacturers, and largely granted petitions from environmental groups who argued the standards were not strict enough to protect human health. Industry groups argued that the...

Florida v. Georgia

The U.S. Supreme Court, in an ongoing dispute between Florida and Georgia over the apportionment of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin's waters, remanded a Special Master's recommendation that Florida's request for a cap on Georgia's consumption of water from the Flint River be denied....

Laredo v. Laredo Merchants Ass'n

The Texas Supreme Court upheld an appellate court decision prohibiting a city's efforts to ban the use of single-use plastic and paper bags. A retail association argued that an ordinance adopted in 2014 to reduce litter from the bags conflicted with the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act. The appellate ...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Inc. v. Pruitt

The Fourth Circuit reversed a lower court's grant of summary judgment requiring EPA and West Virginia to address coal mining-related water pollution. Environmental groups argued that EPA failed to perform its nondiscretionary duty under the CWA to promulgate TMDLs for biologically impaired waters in...