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League of Conservation Voters v. Trump

A district court vacated a provision of President Trump's 2017 Executive Order that reopened Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi seas and canyon areas in the Atlantic Ocean to oil and gas exploration. Environmental groups argued the president did not have authority under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands ...

Riverkeeper, Inc. v. Wheeler

A district court granted EPA's motion to dismiss a CWA lawsuit seeking to require the Agency to publish New York's water quality standards. The Agency asserted that environmental groups lacked subject matter jurisdiction to bring the suit because EPA had a discretionary, rather than nondiscretionary...

Eden Environmental Citizen's Group LLC v. Laptalo Enterprises, Inc.

A district court denied a manufacturing company's motion to dismiss a CWA lawsuit alleging that the company improperly stored and disposed of industrial waste at its sheet metal manufacturing facility. The company argued that an environmental group did not have standing to sue because it failed to n...

Residents of Gordon Plaza, Inc. v. Latoya Cantrell

A district court granted residents' motion for summary judgment in a RCRA lawsuit against the city of New Orleans for inhumane and dangerous living conditions at a residential development located on a former landfill site previously operated by the city. The residents argued that the city had previo...

Gold King Mine Release in San Juan County, Colorado on August 5, 2015

A district court denied EPA's motions to dismiss a lawsuit brought by two states and a Native American tribe seeking to recover response costs from the 2015 Gold King mine spill that sent millions of gallons of acid mine drainage into the Animas and San Juan Rivers. EPA argued that it retained sover...

Protecting Air for Waterville v. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

The Sixth Circuit dismissed environmental groups' petition to review air pollution control permits issued by Ohio's Environmental Protection Agency for two natural gas compressor stations along a natural gas pipeline that runs from Ohio to Michigan. The groups argued that the permits were invalid be...

Air Alliance Houston v. U.S. Chemical and Safety Hazard Investigation Board

A district court granted environmental groups' request to compel the U.S. Chemical and Safety Hazard Investigation Board to promulgate regulations concerning accidental chemical releases. The groups argued that the Board's failure to implement reporting regulations in the 27 years since Congress ame...

Hoopa Valley Tribe v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The D.C. Circuit vacated a FERC decision concerning a licensee's decommissioning plan with reviewing states for hydroelectric dams along the Klamath River. A Native American tribe challenged FERC's determination that California and Oregon had not waived their water quality certification authority un...

Butler v. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources

A state appellate court reversed a judgment against a coastal use permit issued by Louisiana's Department of Natural Resources for construction of an oil pipeline. The Department argued that the lower court erred in not deferring to the Department's finding that its coastal use permit (CUP) guidelin...