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Lighthouse Resources Inc. v. Inslee

A district court stayed a constitutional challenge to the Washington Department of Ecology's decision to deny a coal company a CWA §401 certification for construction of a coal export facility along the Columbia River. The company argued that the Department violated the Commerce Clause by denying t...

Environmental Defense Center v. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

A district court denied an offshore drilling platform operator's motion to reconsider the court's previous ruling that barred the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) from issuing offshore drilling permits until it conducted further environmental review. Conservation groups had argued that BOEM'...

New York v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied downwind states' petition challenging EPA's refusal to expand the Northeast Ozone Transport Region, which consists of states required by the Agency to enact tight restrictions on pollutants that contribute to ozone that drifts across state lines. The downwind states argued th...

Upper Missouri Waterkeeper v. Montana Department of Environmental Quality

A state high court affirmed a lower court's summary judgment for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality in a challenge to the Department's issuance of a NPDES general permit for discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). An environmental group challenged the permit, argu...

Evanston v. Northern Illinois Gas Co.

A district court denied a city's motion for a preliminary injunction in a RCRA lawsuit against two utility companies that owned a long-abandoned manufactured gas plant. The city alleged that the plant had contaminated soil in a nearby park and around a decommissioned water main, and sought to requir...

Mexichem Fluor, Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit granted hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) manufacturers' petitions to review a 2016 EPA rule that rendered certain HFCs unacceptable for various uses in aerosols, motor vehicle air conditioners, commercial refrigerators, and foams. The court found that it was bound by a previous ruling that s...

Lighthouse Resources Inc. v. Inslee

A district court granted Washington's and environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the state's decision to deny a coal company a CWA §401 certification for construction of a coal export facility along the Columbia River. A railroad company, which planned to provide rail s...

Ohio v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court denied Ohio's and Tennessee's motion to preliminarily enjoin EPA's 2015 Clean Water Rule that clarified the definition of "waters of the United States" under the CWA. The states challenged the validity of the rule, arguing it extended the scope of the CWA beyond the reach of the sta...