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75 FR 76086

FWS designated approximately 187,157 square miles in Alaska and adjacent territorial and U.S. waters as critical habitat for the polar bear under the ESA.

75 FR 75913

FWS designated approximately 13 miles of stream in the Turkey Creek Watershed in Jefferson County, Alabama, as critical habitat for the vermilion darter under the ESA.

75 FR 77230

EPA finalized minimum requirements under the SDWA for underground injection of carbon dioxide for the purpose of geologic sequestration.

75 FR 75762

EPA established criteria for nitrogen/phosphorus pollution in the lakes, flowing waters, and springs of Florida.

75 FR 81122

OSM approved an amendment to Texas' regulatory program under SMCRA regarding annual permit fees.

75 FR 81120

OSM approved an amendment to North Dakota's regulatory program under SMCRA reducing the revegetation responsibility period to five years for lands eligible for remining.