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75 FR 74624

SIP Approval: Georgia (Stage II gasoline vapor recovery rule).

75 FR 77758

SIP Approval: Delaware (volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from portable fuel containers).

75 FR 78167

SIP Approval: Arizona (PM emissions from fugitive dust sources).

76 FR 18064

EPA approved California's airborne toxic control measure for perchloroethylene emissions from dry cleaning and water-repelling operations in place of the national standards

75 FR 81863

SIP Approval: Alabama (Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule revision)

76 FR 29652

SIP Approval: Illinois/Missouri (attainment of the 1997 annual PM NAAQS for the Saint Louis nonattainment area)

75 FR 82536

EPA finalized rulemaking that narrows thresholds of SIP PSD programs in 24 states that apply to GHG-emitting sources.