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75 FR 77799

EPA proposed to issue a 90-day stay of the requirement for chemical manufacturing area sources to comply with the NESHAPs permit program; see above for direct final rule

75 FR 76337

EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a supplemental notice of intent on their joint proposed rulemaking to reduce GHG emissions of light-duty vehicles for model years 2017-2025.

75 FR 75937

EPA seeks public comment on its decision to allow emergency stationary engines to operate for up to 15 hours per year.

75 FR 77230

EPA finalized minimum requirements under the SDWA for underground injection of carbon dioxide for the purpose of geologic sequestration.

75 FR 75762

EPA established criteria for nitrogen/phosphorus pollution in the lakes, flowing waters, and springs of Florida.

75 FR 76790

EPA established annual percentage standards under CAA §211(o) for cellulosic biofuel, biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and renewable fuels produced or imported in calendar year 2011.

75 FR 81484

SIP Withdrawal: Texas (emissions banking and trading of allowances).

75 FR 78164

SIP Approval: Wisconsin (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Milwaukee-Racine and Sheboygan, Wisconsin, nonattainment areas).