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Ensco Offshore Co. v. Salazar

A district court, on cross-motions for summary judgment, upheld a DOI regulation requiring oil lessees to obtain drilling permits for development and production drilling but denied both motions as to a DOI regulation setting forth new requirements for drilling in the western Gulf of Mexico. Oil...

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy v. Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC

The Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court's fee award in favor of environmental groups in their CAA case against an energy company. Below, the groups moved for summary judgment on the basis that the company was violating the CAA by constructing a new major source of hazardous air pollution without f...

Chamber of Commerce v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied a petition for review challenging EPA's decision granting California a waiver from federal preemption under the CAA that allows the state to implement its own regulations requiring automobile manufacturers to reduce fleet-average greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicl...

LM Nursing Service, Inc. v. Ferreira

A district court dismissed property owners' CERCLA, RCRA, and CWA claims against the current owner of a contaminated site for damages caused by the migration of contamination onto their property. Each of the three federal statutes requires plaintiffs to provide the owner with particular notice of th...