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89 FR 42829

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (miscellaneous changes). 

89 FR 42808

SIP Approval: California (issuance of permits for stationary sources and preconstruction review and permitting of major sources and major modifications in the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District). 

89 FR 42812

SIP Approval: Delaware (amendments to standardize public notice requirements). 

89 FR 42810

SIP Approval: New York (source-specific revision for for Finch Paper LLC for implementation of 2008 and 2015 ozone NAAQS). 

89 FR 42451

NOAA and EPA seek comment on the agencies’ proposed finding that Alabama has satisfied each of the conditions the agencies included as part of their 1998 approval of Alabama’s coastal nonpoint pollution control program. 

89 FR 42410

SIP Proposal: Florida (removal of obsolete, duplicative, or unnecessary rules from general provisions). 

89 FR 42602

DOI finalized regulatory amendments to its renewable energy regulations that eliminate unnecessary requirements for the deployment of meteorological buoys, increase survey flexibility, improve the project design and installation verification process, establish a public renewable energy leasing schedule, reform the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's renewable energy auction regulations, tailor financial assurance requirements and instruments, and clarify safety management system regulations.

89 FR 41946

NOAA approved a boundary expansion for the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Prudence Island, Rhode Island, under the CZMA.

89 FR 42062

EPA amended requirements that apply to the petroleum and natural gas systems source category of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule.