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76 FR 22038

SIP Approval: California (energy tracking system for the South Coast air quality management district).

76 FR 23876

EPA made final amendments to certain CAA regulations pertaining to Indian tribes.

76 FR 29528

EPA proposed revisions to the NESHAPs for the production of polyvinyl chloride and copolymers during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunctions, including requirements on demonstration of initial and continuous compliance, continuous monitoring provisions, and recordkeeping and reporting.

76 FR 21639

SIP Approval: Utah (substantial inadequacy of NAAQS).

76 FR 20853

SIP Approval: Kentucky (maintenance plans for the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS).

76 FR 20850

SIP Approval: Indiana (volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions at gasoline dispensing facilities).

76 FR 23196

SIP Approval: Illinois (definition of volatile organic compound).

76 FR 20239

SIP Approval: Florida (PSD construction permit program).

76 FR 20237

SIP Approval: District of Columbia (1997 eight-hour ozone and 1997/2006 fine particulate matter (PM) NAAQS).