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89 FR 54753

SIP Proposal: California (motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS).

89 FR 54748

SIP Proposal: California (revisions concerning nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from boilers, gas turbines, and miscellaneous combustion units, and reasonably available control technology requirements for major source of NOx in the Sacramento Metro ozone nonattainment area).

89 FR 54362

SIP Approval: Iowa (recent changes to Linn County ordinances).

89 FR 54358

SIP Approval: Utah (revisions to air quality rules).

89 FR 54396

SIP Proposal: New Jersey (interstate transport requirements for the 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide primary NAAQS).

BlueRibbon Coalition v. Garland

A district court granted in part and denied in part an outdoor recreation group's motion to preliminarily enjoin the National Park Service's (NPS') regulations governing commercial filming on public lands. The group argued the regulations' land use fee and permitting requirements violated the First ...

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy

The U.S. Supreme Court, 6-3, held the Seventh Amendment entitled an investment advisor to a jury trial in an enforcement action initiated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) seeking civil penalties for securities fraud. The SEC adjudicated the matter administratively, and determined the ...