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Gulf Restoration Network v. Haaland

The D.C. Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part summary judgment for DOI in a challenge to a supplemental EIS that BOEM prepared for two oil and gas lease sales in 2018. Three environmental groups had argued that BOEM failed to assess a true “no action” alternative because it assumed ener...

Louisiana v. Biden

A district court permanently enjoined the Biden Administration from implementing a "stop" on new oil and gas lease sales on public lands or in offshore waters in thirteen states—Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and West...

Citizens for Clean Energy v. U.S. Department of the Interior

A district court reinstated a 2016 moratorium on new coal leasing on public lands that had been lifted by a DOI secretarial order in 2017. Environmental groups, states, and a Native American tribe initially filed suit challenging DOI's decision to lift the moratorium, and the court determined the de...

Louisiana v. Biden

The Fifth Circuit vacated a district court's issuance of a nationwide preliminary injunction enjoining the Biden Administration from pausing new oil and gas lease sales on federal lands. Thirteen states filed suit against the Administration after the president issued Executive Order No. 14008, chall...

Hoboken v. Chevron Corp.

The Third Circuit affirmed two district courts' orders remanding back to start court two climate liability suits bought against oil companies. Delaware and the city of Hoboken sued the companies in state court for state-law torts. The companies removed the suits to federal court, arguing removal was...

Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit dismissed an oil company's petition to review EPA's response concerning the decommissioning status of two oil platforms off the California coast. The company initially asked EPA for guidance on whether, as the process moves forward, the platforms would cease to qualify as regulated ...

National Wildlife Refuge Ass'n v. Rural Utilities Service

A district court denied a request by conservation groups to halt all construction on a transmission line project from Iowa to Wisconsin pending the transmission companies' appeal of a prior order enjoining construction of a section of the line across the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and...