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Green Valley Investors, LLC v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue

The U.S. Tax Court granted in part four North Carolina partnerships' cross-motion for summary judgment in a challenge to penalties the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sought to impose on them for charitable deductions in tax years 2014 and 2015 related to syndicated conservation easement transactions...

United States v. Union Oil Co. of California

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed summary judgment for the U.S. government in a CERCLA liability lawsuit, requiring oil companies to reimburse approximately $50 million of EPA's environmental cleanup costs at a Superfund site in California. The government had sought reimbursement...

Adorers of the Blood of Christ v. Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Co LLC

The Third Circuit affirmed a lower court's dismissal of a religious group's challenge to FERC's approval of a natural gas pipeline along land owned by the group. The group argued that the use of its land to facilitate extraction, transportation, and use of fossil fuels violated its religious beliefs...

Oakland v. BP P.L.C.

A district court on remand granted San Francisco's and Oakland's motion to remand to state court the cities' lawsuits alleging that six oil companies produce and promote products that create a public nuisance—sea-level rise—when combusted. The court previously denied the motion, finding that eva...

Missouri v. Biden

The Eighth Circuit affirmed a district court's dismissal of states' challenge to the Biden Administration's interim estimates on the social costs of greenhouse gas emissions. The states had sought to preliminarily enjoin federal officials, departments, and agencies from using the estimates "as bindi...

Cascade Forest Conservancy v. United States Forest Service

In an unpublished opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed summary judgment for the Forest Service in a challenge to its planned road construction project near Mount St. Helens to address the threat of a nearby lake's potential breach. Environmental groups argued the project violated NEPA and the Nationa...

Plaquemines Parish v. Chevron USA

The Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court's order remanding back to state court a lawsuit brought against oil companies concerning their operations during World War II. Louisiana parishes initially filed suit in state court, arguing the companies had violated Louisiana's State and Local Coastal Re...

Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians v. United Sates Army Corps of Engineers

A district court denied summary judgment for environmental and tribal groups in a challenge to the Army Corps of Engineers' decision to issue permits under the CWA and the Rivers and Harbors Act for a project to replace sections of an oil pipeline in Minnesota. The groups argued the Corps' decision ...

Annapolis, Maryland v. BP P.L.C.

A district court remanded back to state court two climate liability suits brought against oil companies. A city and county in Maryland had sued the companies in state court, alleging they concealed climate-related harms caused by fossil fuels. The companies removed the suits to federal court based o...

Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Reynolds

A district court granted summary judgment for nonprofit groups in a challenge to an Iowa statute aimed at preventing them from recording images or videos of conditions in slaughterhouses and other animal facilities. The groups argued that the statute impermissibly restricted their First Amendment fr...