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Shrimpers and Fishermen of the RGV v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

The Fifth Circuit denied a petition to review a CWA permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers authorizing development of a natural gas pipeline and export facility in south Texas. A group of shrimpers and fishermen argued the permit violated the CWA by failing to show that the approved project wa...

Wild Virginia v. Council on Environmental Quality

The Fourth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a challenge to CEQ's 2020 final rule that affected how federal agencies conduct reviews under NEPA. Environmental groups filed suit shortly after the rule was promulgated and several weeks before it took effect, bringing nine APA claims and one allegation tha...

Center for Biological Diversity v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit, 2-1, granted a joint motion to hold in abeyance four petitions to invalidate pesticide registration orders issued by EPA. Conservation groups initially petitioned the court for vacatur and remand of five registrations for failure to comply with the ESA. The parties then jointly req...

Waterkeepers Chesapeake v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The D.C. Circuit vacated a license issued by FERC for operation of a hydroelectric dam on the Susquehanna River in Maryland. The state of Maryland issued a CWA §401(a)(1) certification to the dam's operator in 2018 with conditions. The operator challenged the certification, and the parties reached ...

Lovejoy v. Amcox Oil and Gas, LLC

A district court granted in part and denied in part a pipeline owner's motion for summary judgment in a CERCLA suit brought by the owner of land where the pipeline is located in West Virginia. The landowner alleged that the pipeline leaked and contaminated her soil and groundwater, and sought to rec...

Animal Legal Defense Fund v. National Foundation for Rescued Animals

A district court granted in part and denied in part an animal sanctuary's motion to dismiss an ESA citizen suit brought by an animal rights group. The group alleged the sanctuary violated the ESA by taking endangered or threatened species, unlawfully possessing ESA-protected animals, and unlawfully ...

Friends of the Clearwater v. Probert

A district court vacated in part the Forest Service's 2017 record of decision (ROD) that closed approximately 196,000 acres of recommended wilderness areas in Clearwater National Forest to motorized vehicles and eliminated motorized use on 38 miles of existing trails. An environmental group had chal...

American Clean Power Ass'n v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The D.C. Circuit, 2-1, remanded to FERC a 2018 decision to give all transmission owners unilateral authority to fund power line upgrades in the Midwest. The Commission had initially only allowed direct transmission owners to decide between the generators paying for the line upgrades upfront, or payi...