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Appleton Papers Inc. v. George A. Whiting Paper Co.

A district court held that a paper company that sold "broke," a byproduct of its manufacturing process, to paper recyclers was not an arranger under CERCLA for PCB contamination in a river. The company lacked knowledge that broke could be hazardous; it invested money and labor in treating, sorting, ...

Clean Harbors, Inc. v. CBS Corp.

A district court dismissed a landfill owner's RCRA action in which it sought an injunction requiring the former owner to perform certain remedial and investigative actions at the site. EPA issued the former owner a RCRA cleanup order and permit in 1998. In 2002, the current owner purchased the site ...

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v. Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC

The Federal Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part damages awarded to the current owner of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station stemming from the government's failure to dispose of spent nuclear fuel generated at the station. The owner's legal and lobbying fees to secure approval from...

Southern Union Co. v. United States

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned an $18 million fine imposed against a pipeline operator for storing liquid mercury at one of its facilities without a permit in violation of RCRA. In Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466, the Court held that the Sixth Amendment's jury-trial guarantee requires th...

Pennsylvania v. Lockheed Martin Corp.

The Third Circuit vacated as moot a lower court decision that dismissed a contractor's third-party complaint against Pennsylvania and the commonwealth's natural resources agency for cleanup costs associated with Quehanna Wild Area Nuclear Site. The contractor argued that the lower court erred by...

Center for Community Action & Environmental Justice v. Union Pacific Corp.

A district court dismissed environmental groups' complaint against two railroad companies alleging that diesel particulate matter (DPM) emitted by diesel-engine locomotives, trucks, and other equipment has caused and is causing an imminent and substantial risk to human health and the environment...

American Petroleum Institute v. Environmental Protection Agency,

The D.C. Circuit held unripe an oil and natural gas association's petition for review challenging a 2008 EPA regulation deregulating many hazardous secondary materials under RCRA. The association argued that EPA erred in not including in the deregulation a category of hazardous secondary materia...

New York v. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The D.C. Circuit vacated NRC rulemakings concerning the temporary storage and permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Four states, an Indian community, and a number of environmental groups filed a petition for review challenging NRC's "waste confidence decision" (WCD), which, among other thing...

Yankee Atomic Electric Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit awarded a power company $17,021,742 in its suit against the U.S. government for the cost of storing spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste beyond the time that the government promised by contract to begin storing that waste in a permanent and secure reposit...