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Asarco, LLC v. Hecla Mining Co.

A district court held that a refinery that settled in bankruptcy court its liability for response costs incurred at a Superfund site may seek contribution from a mining company. The mining company argued that the settlement agreement for which the refinery seeks contribution only resolves the refine...

Gellert v. Coltec Industries, Inc.

A bankruptcy court denied a company's motion to dismiss a bankruptcy trustee's CERCLA §107 claim against it for response costs incurred by the debtor to EPA, New York, and a manufacturer as a result of the debtor's settlement of their CERCLA claims. The company argued that the trustee cannot recove...

Cyprus Amax Minerals Co. v. CBS Operations, Inc.

A district court held that the bar to transfer of CERCLA liability applies to contribution claims brought between and among third parties, not just the U.S. government. CERCLA §107(e)(1) provides that "no indemnification, hold harmless, or similar agreement or conveyance shall be effective to trans...

National Solid Wastes Management Ass'n v. City of Dallas

A district court enjoined a county from enforcing a solid waste flow control ordinance that, among other things, requires all waste collected in the city to be disposed of at a city landfill. The city had entered into franchise contracts with a number of haulers that allowed them to dispose of waste...

Asarco v. NL Industries

A district court denied a mining company's motion to dismiss a smelting company's contribution claim against it for response costs and natural resources damages incurred at an old smelting operation in the Southeast Missouri Mining District. The mining company argued that the smelting company, which...

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection v. Dimant

The Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed a lower court decision dismissing the state environmental agency's contribution action against a dry cleaner under the New Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act to recover costs incurred in investigating and remediating PCE-contaminated groundwater. The a...

United States v. NCR Corp.

A district court denied a group of companies' motion for summary judgment challenging the government's remedy for cleaning up PCB contamination in Wisconsin's Fox River. The companies argued that the administrative record is fatally incomplete due to the destruction of certain computer model data an...

United States v. NCR Corp.

The Seventh Circuit upheld a lower court's preliminary injunction compelling a PRP to complete the remediation work concerning PCB contamination at the Fox River in Wisconsin that was scheduled for this year. The PRP has performed a significant amount of cleanup at the site. But in 2011 it decided t...

Minnesota v. BNSF Railway Co.

The Eighth Circuit held that costs a developer incurred to reduce pollution on a property it owns in Brainerd, Minnesota, that had formerly been owned by a railway company were not removal costs and thus not recoverable under the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act (MERLA). Although n...

Kansas Gas & Electric Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a lower court's award of over $10.5 million in damages to Kansas electric companies stemming from the U.S. government's partial breach of its contract for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel. In determining the amount of damages, the trial cou...