Will Mercury Cap and Trade Crash and Burn?

August 2007
ELR 10635
Panel discussion

Editors' Summary: On April 23, 2007, the Environmental Law Institute launched its Congressional Briefing series, a set of events designed to highlight and explicate critical areas of environmental law to policymakers. The first seminar in the series focused on regulation of mercury emissions from power plants. After the moderator provided an overview of the dangers of and regulatory response to mercury, the panelists shared their expertise on a range of topics surrounding this issue, including: federal mercury programs; the politics of regulation; special challenges for industry; and the roles of Congress and the states. Below is a transcript of the event. [Transcribed by ACE Transcription, Washington, D.C. The transcript has been lightly edited, and citations have been added, for ease of reading.]

Panelists: Steven Bonebrake, Partner, Schiff Hardin L.L.P. Dan Cunningham, Environmental Policy Manager, PSEG Services Corporation John Walke, Senior Attorney and Director, Clean Air Project, Natural Resources Defense Council
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Will Mercury Cap and Trade Crash and Burn?

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