. . . But Were Afraid to Ask: Superfund Case Law, 1981-1989

October 1989
ELR 10430
David E. Jones and Kyle E. McSlarrow

Editors' Summary: CERCLA, otherwise known as the full employment act for lawyers, has generated a prodigious amount of litigation since its enactment in 1980. Coherently summarizing the entirety of CERCLA case law in one article is a monumental task. Undaunted, the authors have produced an overview of the eight years of CERCLA litigation, covering everything from abatement actions to transporter liability.

Mr. Jones is an Assistant to the General Counsel, Department of the Army. Mr. McSlarrow is an Assistant to the Special Counsel to the Secretary of Defense. The authors would like to extend their grateful appreciation to Corinna Pagano for her tireless assistance. The views expressed in this Article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of any government agency.

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