Using Blockchain to Address the IPCC’S Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

April 2021
ELR 10296
Grace Bogart

Many believe blockchain technologies (BCTs) will soon permeate our lives. In particular, they can be utilized to help tackle global climate change. This Article provides a baseline description of BCTs, and ways they can be utilized to reduce GHG emissions in electricity and energy generation; agriculture, forestry, and other land use; industry; and transport. It addresses BCTs’ potentially carbon-intensive nature, identifies ways to utilize them in a less energy-intensive manner, and discusses currently implemented and potential ways in which BCTs can be harnessed to mitigate the main causes of climate change.

Grace Bogart is an Attorney at Dickinson, Mackaman, Tyler & Hagen, P.C. practicing intellectual property, emerging technologies, privacy, and cybersecurity law.

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Using Blockchain to Address the IPCC’S Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

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