The Uses of Climate Change Attribution Science: The NGO Practitioner's View

August 2021
ELR 10654
Joanne Spalding and Daniel Hales

Climate advocates are fortunate to have the benefit of the thorough assessment of climate change attribution science and its application to climate policy and litigation that Michael Burger, Jessica Wentz, and Radley Horton have undertaken in their article. Attribution science has expanded dramatically during the past two decades, becoming increasingly nuanced and complex. Burger, Wentz, and Horton have helped unlock this resource by providing an explanation of the types of attribution research, a survey of the research, an analysis of its legal and policy applications, and suggestions for future developments. Their work will help policymakers and courts understand the challenges that climate change presents and develop strategies and remedies to address those challenges.

Joanne Spalding is the Acting Legal Director and Chief Climate Counsel at Sierra Club. Daniel Hales is an Associate Attorney at Sierra Club.

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