Tools for Measuring Individuals' Climate Behaviors and Greenhouse Gas Impacts

ELR 10847
K. Carrie Armel and Thomas N. Robinson

In the United States, the residential sector accounts for a significant proportion of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced each year. Sixty-two percent of vehicle emissions come from passenger cars and light-duty trucks, and one-quarter of non-transportation emissions come from residential sources. Many individual-level behaviors that contribute to these emissions could be modified, for example, by purchasing compact fluorescent bulbs (purchasing behaviors), increasing one's refrigerator temperature (nonpurchasing, one-time behaviors), regularly shutting off the lights (repeated behaviors or habits), or insulating one's hot water heater (complex behaviors that require expert assistance or are costly). Changes in such individual-level behaviors may play an important role in slowing climate change.

K. Carrie Armel is a Research Associate at the Precourt Institute of Energy Efficiency at Stanford University. Thomas N. Robinson is the Irving Schulman, MD Endowed Professor in Child Health, Professor of Pediatrics and of Medicine, in the Division of General Pediatrics and the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine, and Director of the Center for Healthy Weight at Stanford University and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford.
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