The Scope of Congressional Authority to Protect the Environment
Bruce Myers: I'm fortunate to be moderating a panel with three very distinguished experts. Bob Irvin is Senior Vice President for Conservation Programs with Defenders of Wildlife here in Washington, D.C. Bob leads Defenders' Conservation Programs, including field conservation, conservation policy, international conservation, and litigation. Prior to joining Defenders, Bob held a range of posts at major environmental nongovernmental organizations and in the federal government, including service as senior counsel for fish and wildlife on the Majority Staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Bob has written and lectured extensively on biodiversity conservation issues. He also teaches at Vermont Law School and has taught at the University of Maryland Law School.
Prof. Bill Buzbee is with the Emory University School of Law in Atlanta. Professor Buzbee directs the Emory Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program and the Emory Center on Federalism and Intersystemic Governance. Professor Buzbee's scholarship covers environmental law, administrative law, and other public law topics, with his most recent publications focusing on regulatory federalism and design issues. He has served as a visiting professor at Columbia University and at Cornell University, among other institutions. He launched Emory's Environmental Law Clinic, and he also is a founding member of the Center for Progressive Reform. Professor Buzbee has been recognized for both his legal scholarship and his teaching, and he has testified before the U.S. Congress and its committees about environmental and federalism issues.