Science, Agencies, and the Courts: Is Three a Crowd?

January 2001
ELR 10125
E. Donald Elliott, Alan Charles Raul, Richard J. Pierce, Jr., Thomas O. McGarity and Wendy E. Wagner

WENDY WAGNER: Welcome to the Panel on Science, Agencies, and the Courts. This panel is sponsored by the Environmental Natural Resources Regulation Committee of the Administrative Law and Regulatory Section of the [American Bar Association (ABA)], and also co-sponsored by the Standing Committee on the Environment of the ABA.

My name is Wendy Wagner. I'm going to moderate the panel, and as the title of the panel implies, we're going to talk about judicial review of agency science. This isn't a new topic in administrative law, but over the past few years there have been some different developments in the courts that may ultimately change the way the courts review agency science in the future.

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