Response to Professor Susskind: The Camden, New Jersey, Experience With Environmental Mediation
In the July 1987 Environmental Law Reporter, I was particularly interested in Professor Lawrence Susskind's description of his efforts with the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA) issue.1 Unfortunately, Professor Susskind's article leaves several misimpressions that deserve to be corrected.
First, the report asserts that Campbell Soup Company has "threatened to leave [Camden] many times."2 In my decade as either a member of City Council or Mayor of Camden, Campbell has never threatened to leave. They have, however, continued to invest millions of dollars in the city. This includes Campbell's commitment to build a world headquarters on the waterfront, which is serving as an anchor of a project that is bringing a $42 million state aquarium here. In a time when many individuals and firms have chosen to desert urban areas, Campbell has been an active participant in trying to help build this city.