Reinventing Environmental Permitting: Drafting the Permit

December 1997
ELR 10617
James M. Thunder

This Dialogue proposes to give permittees a new option in environmental permitting. The option will compress the permitting cycle while simultaneously generating better public support and better environmental protection. To some people, the option will seem radical. It should seem less so after reviewing the breadth and depth of the current initiatives in reinventing environmental permitting.

Mr. Thunder, an attorney and consultant with offices in McLean, Virginia, has practiced environmental law with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a major trade association, a national law firm, and as head of environmental affairs for a Fortune 100 company. His publications include Updating EPA's Administrative Procedures, 27 Env't Rep. (BNA) 483 (June 21, 1996), and FEDERAL CHEMICAL REGULATION: TSCA, EPCRA, AND THE POLLUTION PREVENTION ACT (BNA 1997) (coauthor).

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