The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms: Why the Biotech Products Case is a Win-Win Situation for the European Union

March 2007
ELR 10225
Jonathan G. Dorn

Editors' Summary: The United States and the EU currently stand in discord over the safety and value of GMOs in agricultural products. The disagreement culminated in a 2006 WTO Dispute Resolution Panel ruling in favor of the EU's use of discretionary, protectionist measures when regulating GMOs. In this Article, Jonathan Dorn explores whether international trade can co-exist with environmental protection. He offers background of the differing views on GMOs, explains the U.S. rationale for filing the dispute with the WTO, and argues that the Biotech Products case is a win-win situation for the EU.

Jonathan Dorn has a B.S. in applied biology, summa cum laude, from the Georgia Institute of Technology, a Ph.D. in environmental science from the University of Arizona, and will complete an M.P.P. in environmental policy, class of 2007, University of Maryland. He wishes to thank Armin Rosencranz for his constructive comments and insightful review of this manuscript.

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The Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms: Why the Biotech Products Case is a Win-Win Situation for the European Union

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