Regulating Solid and Hazardous Wastes: Has Federal Regulation Lived Up to Its Mandate or Can the States Do a Better Job?

January 1992
ELR 10038
Nancy Firestone, Philip F.W. Ahrens, III, Michael K. Slattery, and Karen Florini

NANCY FIRESTONE: I would like to discuss a recent EPA study. When Don Clay, the new Assistant Administrator for the Office of Solid Waste And Emergency Response, took office in November and Chris Holmes was designated his Principal Deputy, they already had before them the Superfund 90-day study. This became a blueprint for carrying out the Superfund program.

Because of the success of the Superfund study, they embarked on a RCRA implementation study. Eventually it should receive the same sort of distribution as did the Superfund study, presenting a vision of where we hope the RCRA program will be going.

Nancy Firestone, Special Assistant to the Deputy Administrator, U.S. EPA. Philip F.W. Ahrens, III, Esquire, Pierce, Atwood, Scribner, Allen, Smith & Lancaster. Michael K. Slattery, Regional General Counsel, Waste Management of North America. Karen Florini, Senior Attorney, Environmental Defense Fund.

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