Reflections on a Quarter Century of Environmental Activism: On Postponing Deadlines, Second-Guessing the Congress, and Ignoring Problems Until It Is Too Late

March 1988
ELR 10081
Edmund S. Muskie

Nineteen eighty-eight marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment in 1963 of the Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution. In the 1960s our effort was to learn as much as we could about environmental problems and the options for dealing with them. We undertook to arouse public awareness of the problems in order to generate political support for the policies and programs we were equipping ourselves to recommend. Our legislative initiatives, from today's perspective, evolved slowly, but they picked up momentum as we developed confidence in our perceptions of what was required.

Edmund S. Muskie is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Chadbourne & Parke. His career of public service has included service as Governor of Maine, United States Senator from Maine, and Secretary of State. Mr. Muskie served as the first chairman of the United States Senate Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution, established in 1963. This Dialogue is adapted from Mr. Muskie's remarks upon accepting the Environmental Law Institute's 1987 award for outstanding contributions to environmental law and policy.

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