A Recovery Plan for the Endangered Species Act

January 2009
ELR 10006
Donald C. Baur, Michael J. Bean, and Wm. Robert Irvin

Editors' Summary:

Efforts to reauthorize the ESA have been uniformly unsuccessful since the current authorization expired in 1992. Here are five steps the newly elected Administration can take to build a stronger and more effective ESA, even without reauthorization: (1) revitalize the listing priority framework; (2) promote recovery; (3) enhance incentives for habitat conservation on nonfederal lands; (4) address priority issues related to ESA §7(a)(2) consultation process and its prohibitions on jeopardy to species or adverse modification of critical habitat; and (5) increase funding for ESA implementation. By pursuing these administrative steps, President-elect Barak Obama can lay the groundwork for the eventual reauthorization of the ESA and a new commitment to conserving endangered species.

Donald Baur is a Partner and chair of the environmental and natural resources practice in the Washington, D.C., office of Perkins Coie. Michael Bean has directed the Wildlife Program of Environmental Defense Fund since 1977. Wm. Robert Irvin is Senior Vice President for Conservation Programs at Defenders of Wildlife.
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