RCRA's Statutory and Regulatory Framework

April 2010
ELR 10432
Susan M. McMichael

Editors' Summary

Most people are unsure of how to address complicated issues associated with RCRA permitting, federal facilities, and hazardous and radioactive mixed waste. The sheer number of EPA rules alone (over 900) can be mind-boggling, with new rules issued each year. The overall RCRA regime has evolved to address critical issues related to the management and cleanup of hazardous and radioactive mixed wastes. The RCRA Permitting Handbook, from which this Article is excerpted, acts as a thorough guide to all aspects of RCRA permit rules, numerous useful references, court cases, and EPA guidance. The Handbook is intended to assist a broad audience on how to navigate and better understand RCRA permit requirements and compliance.

Susan M. McMichael is an environmental attorney at the Los Alamos National Security, LLC. The views expressed herein are the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
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RCRA's Statutory and Regulatory Framework

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