Public Concern About Cleanup of Hazardous Waste Sites
The theme that I bring to you today is that the real problem with victim compensation and hazardous waste exposure is being driven by a public hysteria over the larger issue of hazardous substances in the environment. The atmosphere is driven by a great deal of distrust of the Environmental Protection Agency, federal and state governments, and the industries. People are wondering whom they should trust or believe.
I have attended public hearings where 600 to 1,000 people show up, at places like Times Beach or near Stringfellow, and scream, demand the resignations of state officials, and urge that the congressmen holding the hearing leave the room because they cannot help them. It is my honest feeling and criticism that from the confines of an office or a courtroom, attorneys involved with these cases do not appreciate this urgency and hysteria. The hysteria is there and it is real, and that is what I would like to share with you.