Panel Discussion (Morning)

August 1985
ELR 10244
Robert Frantz, Steven Cramer, and B. Suzi Ruhl

ROBERT FRANTZ: John McGlennon made reference to the need for facilities. The premise of this entire discussion is that a serious need for hazardous waste facilities exists. Otherwise, we would not be here debating how they can best be sited.

I would like to talk about a number of factors that have prompted the need for new facilities. As a representative of the chemical industry, I should inform you that we are trying to minimize the generation of hazardous waste and thereby minimize the need to site more facilities. Our industry is actively engaged in developing recycle and reuse technologies so as to rely as little as possible on the land disposal method of managing hazardous wastes. Our board of directors has adopted a hierarchical policy of waste management. The most desirable technique is reducing the generation of waste. Recycling waste, followed by either chemical or incineration treatment are then preferred. Only if other means of treatment are infeasible is land disposal, in whatever form, recommended.

Robert Frantz, Assistant General Counsel, Chemical Manufacturers Association.

Steven Cramer, Commissioner, Adams County, Brighton, Colorado.

B. Suzi Ruhl, Executive Director and General Counsel, Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, Tallahassee, Florida.

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