The Office of Technology Assessment Says ERDA's National Energy Plan Slights Energy Conservation

January 1976
ELR 10017

"Energy" is today more than a household word. In the two years since the Arab oil embargo, a great deal has been said, somewhat less has been done, and much remains to be achieved to solve the problem of energy shortage. The problem has two basic handles: increasing the supply of energy, or reducing the demand for energy. Both have their side effects. Increasing supply has a tendency to scar the land, foul the air and hasten the day when the earth's depletable resources will be exhausted. Reducing demand requires adjustment in lifestyles, lifestyles which depend heavily upon the use of energy for their convenience, mobility and luxury. Which of these approaches willbe emphasized by the federal government may depend on plans presently being laid and debated in the Washington bureaucracy.

Section 6 of the Non-Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 19741 (hereinafter the Act) ordered the Energy Research and Development Agency (ERDA) to prepare a comprehensive plan for energy research, development, and demonstration; and a program to implement this plan. ERDA's report, entitled Creating Energy Choices for the Future, was submitted to Congress on June 30, 1975.

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