The New Frontier of Cross-Border Enforcement

February 2010
ELR 10127
Roger R. Martella Jr., Thomas Carroll, Joel M. Gross, Adam Kushner, Ronald J. Tenpas

Editors' Summary:


On October 30, 2009, the Environmental Law Institute held its Fall Practice Update, an annual half-day seminar addressing critical issues in environmental law and management. The following is a transcript of one panel discussion from that event. In this panel, senior practitioners discussed the issues involved in cross-border movement of imported items, from parts and components to manufactured goods, the increased enforcement scrutiny at the border, and steps attorneys can take to counsel companies on avoiding enforcement issues. More information on the ELI Fall Practice Update, including recordings, downloads, and related Articles, can be found here:


Panelists: Thomas Carroll, Senior Attorney, Environmental Enforcement Section, U.S. Department of Justice Joel M. Gross, Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP Adam Kushner, Director, Office of Civil Enforcement, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ronald J. Tenpas, Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

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The New Frontier of Cross-Border Enforcement

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