"Neither the Best of Times Nor the Worst of Times": EPA Enforcement During the Clinton Administration

June 2005
ELR 10390
Joel A. Mintz

Editors' Summary: This Article examines the enforcement efforts at EPA during the Administration of President William J. Clinton from 1993 to 2001. It covers EPA's reorganization, budget dispute, institutional intragovernmental enforcement relationships, and enforcement programs. The author based the Article on interviews with current and former EPA/DOJ officials and review of numerous articles and EPA policy documents.

The author is a Professor of Law, Nova Southeastern University Law Center and Member Scholar, Center for Progressive Regulation. He received his B.A., Columbia University; J.D., New York University School of Law; LL.M. and J.S.D., Columbia Law School. The author gratefully acknowledges the Nova Southeastern University President's Faculty Scholarship Award that financed most of his research costs for this Article. He also wishes to thank his friends Gail and Bob Ginsberg, Rana Segal, Mike Smith, and Noël and Roger Wise for their gracious and kind hospitality in having him as a guest in their homes during his research travels around the country. 1. Joel A. Mintz, Enforcement at the EPA: High Stakes and Hard Choices (University of Texas Press 1995).
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