Legislative Outlook in the House: Only RCRA Amendments Likely

January 1984
ELR 10003
Bud Ward

Editors' Summary: As Congress begins the second session of the 98th Congress, we assess both the results of the first session (see Comment, 14 ELR 10005) and the prospects for the second. For the latter task, a crystal-ball gazing exercise, we have enlisted the help of two of the sharpest-eyed observers of congressional trends available: Philip Cummings, Minority Counsel for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and Bud Ward, Editor of The Environmental Forum. Mr. Cummings analyzes the chances for Senate action; Mr. Ward those in the House.

Mr. Ward is Editor of The Environmental Forum, a monthly journal of analysis and commentary on environmental issues published by the Environmental Law Institute.

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Legislative Outlook in the House: Only RCRA Amendments Likely

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