"The Law and the Environment": The Council on Environmental Quality Summarizes Developments in Environmental Law in 1971
This month, ELR is publishing in Articles and Notes at 1 ELR 50057 a chapter on the law and the environment taken from the second annual report of the Council on Environmental Quality. See Environmental Quality: The Second Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality, Government Printing Office (August 1971) Chap. 5.
The chapter provides a current summary of several important, evolving developments in environmental law and brings ELR subscribers up-to-date on a wide range of legal issues, especially the judicial implementation of NEPA. It also pulls together and interrelates many of the cases that have appeared in ELR's Litigation section. It discusses some of the statutory and other material which will appear in ELR before the end of Volume Year I. (Recall that before the end of Volume Year I, ELR will have included an array of materials that serve as a "principal reference volume" of long-term use to subscribers.) Finally, the chapter constitutes a semi-official statement of the Administration's views on environmental law, at least to the extent that such a position is expressed by the President's Council on Environmental Quality. ELR will comment only on the Council's treatment of NEPA and on its view of the role of citizen's litigation.