Interim EPA Ocean-Dumping Regulations

May 1973
ELR 10065

The Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated interim regulations2 setting out procedures for obtaining an ocean-dumping permit under the Marine Protection. Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972.3 The Act makes it unlawful to depart from a port in the United States for the purpose of dumping material other than fish wastes in the ocean or territorial sea, unless the person engaged in the transport or dumping has obtained a permit from EPA. No permit can be issued for the dumping of any radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agent or any high-level radioactive waste. The regulations were made immediately effective instead of allowing the usual period for comment and revision, because of the time limitations imposed by the short interval between the Act's effective date and its passage on October 23, 1972.

The regulations provide for both general and special permits. General permits are issued by the EPA Administrator and published in the Federal Register and provide for the dumping of certain materials in designated sites over a specified length of time. Special permits are required for all dumping not covered by general permit, and are issued to applicants for terms up to one year.

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