Institutional Controls or Emperor's Clothes? Long-Term Stewardship of the Nuclear Weapons Complex
Editors' Summary: DOE is responsible for managing as many as 81 geographic sites that are contaminated with long-lived hazardous and radioactive materials. The longevity of these wastes will require long-term stewardship at these sites in order to protect both human health and the environment. This Article discusses the challenges that DOE faces in developing an effective long-term stewardship program. The authors begin with an overview of DOE's waste management program and a description of its long-lived wastes. They proceed to examine the statutory framework — primarily CERCLA and RCRA — for addressing such wastes. The authors find that the statutes and regulations fail to impose effective restrictions on the future use of contaminated property and do not establish the types of institutions that are necessary to manage long-lived wastes. Next, the authors describe the various waste management options that DOE currently uses or plans to use. They also identify a number of institutional controls that DOE could utilize to restrict future uses at sites holding long-lived wastes. They conclude that existing institutional controls are not likely to be effective over the long term. Therefore, the authors advocate the development of new legal instruments, procedures for current decisionmaking, and stewardship institutions that will ensure the successful long-term management of long-lived wastes.