Implementing EPA's "90-Day" Management Review of the Superfund Program: How Enforcement Comes First

December 1989
ELR 10547
Glenn L. Unterberger

Oh, boy. Another government study and plan. Just when you thought you had cleared off enough shelf space for those 20-pound bookends your sister bought for you on her last vacation.

What is there to induce anyone to take seriously the self-analysis issued last June by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) entitled "A Management Review of the Superfund Program"? Or the follow-up implementation plan which EPA submitted to Congress in September?

This Article explains how the Agency is taking the recommendations of this "90-Day Report" seriously, and why parties outside of the Agency who are affected by the Superfund program should do so as well. Indeed, the 90-Day Report is emerging as the blueprint for EPA's Superfund management strategy for the foreseeable future.

Glenn L. Unterberger is Associate Enforcement Counsel for Waste at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The views expressed in this Article are those of Mr. Unterberger, and do not necessarily represent the official position of EPA or of any other EPA official.

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