Gone With the Wind? Understanding the Problems of Wind Energy Policy in the United States Through the Successes of Denmark and Germany

March 2007
ELR 10197
Alex Bandza

Editor's Summary: The United States saw a phenomenal period of wind installation in 2006, with over 3, megawatts of installed capacity added. Is this just another upswing in the boom-bust cycle of wind power in the United States? Alex Bandza offers an answer based on the histories of wind power and energy policy in three different countries. In this Article, he compares wind policies in Denmark, Germany, and the United States. Pulling from lessons learned from successes in the European countries, he suggests how future U.S. legislative decisions might be shaped to prevent the recurrence of policy mistakes that hindered wind development.

Alex Bandza began this Article as an extension of work done for a natural resources and energy policy and law course taught by Prof. Armin Rosencranz at Stanford University. He thanks Prof. Rosencranz for his guidance during the course and afterward in the creation of this Article. He also thanks Prof. John Weyant for his role as an advisor for this Article and his encouragement of future research in this field. The author can be reached at abandza@stanford.edu.
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