The Future of FAMs

August 2018
ELR 10672
Rosalie L. Donlon

Zachary Arnold’s proposal of a policy framework to prevent coastal industrial disasters is quite timely, coming as it does after the 2017 hurricane season on the East Coast, followed by the equally devastating wildfire season in the West. Arnold suggests that imposing financial assurance mandates (FAMs), such as minimum insurance coverage, would induce coastal industries to proactively manage climate adaptation, and thus, proactively manage risk. Arnold points out that government at all levels—local, state, and federal—could do more. A major drawback is that many governments are not encouraging businesses or developers to invest in climate adaptation. Without a government directive, it is likely to take longer to convince businesses of all sizes to be proactive.

Rosalie L. Donlon is the Managing Editor of National Underwriter Property & Casualty magazine and

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