Freshwater: Sustaining Use by Protecting Ecosystems

April 2009
ELR 10309
Robert W. Adler

Editor's Summary

The safety and abundance of the freshwater supply in the United States is threatened by water development infrastructure. Chemical pollution, physical modifications to aquatic ecosystems, and other factors continue to contribute to the degradation of U.S. rivers and water bodies. A number of policy changes will be necessary to secure these resources. For instance, smarter investments in these resources should be made, polluted runoff should be controlled, comprehensive aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection should be undertaken, and federal jurisdiction over aquatic ecosystems should be imposed.

Robert W. Adler is the associate dean for academic affairs and James I. Farr Chair in Law at the University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law.
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Freshwater: Sustaining Use by Protecting Ecosystems

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