Federal Wetlands Law: Part III

June 1993
ELR 10354
Margaret N. Strand

Editors' Summary: This Article is the third in a three-part series on federal wetlands law. In it, the author concludes her comprehensive review of the current state of laws and regulations that address wetlands. In the first two installments, published in April and May, the author focused on the Clean Water Act, and specifically the § 404 program. Here, the author analyzes federal laws, other than the Clean Water Act, that address wetlands. The author analyzes the Department of Agriculture's Food Security Act programs, including swampbuster, sodbuster, and the conservation and wetlands reserve programs. She assesses natural resource laws, including the Water Bank Act, the CZMA, and conservation easements under the Agricultural Credit Act. She also analyzes several fish and wildlife laws with ramifications for wetlands, including the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, and the Fish and Wildlife Act. The author then covers federal executive orders that address wetlands issues, and concludes with a concise, yet comprehensive, listing of federal agencies involved with wetlands. Included are short descriptions of EPA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and other agency regional and headquarter offices, and their addresses and telephone numbers nationwide. All three installments of this series, along with a subject matter index and table of cases, are published in ELR's new Wetlands Deskbook. Contact Anne Phelan at (202) 939-3833 to order the Wetlands Deskbook.

Margaret N. Strand is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott. She was formerly chief, Environmental Defense Section, U.S. Department of Justice, where she supervised federal litigation concerning wetlands.

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Federal Wetlands Law: Part III

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