Evaluating the Effects of Alternative Compensation Systems
I must begin with a disclaimer—one which I hope will not forfeit my place in the program. Although this section of the program is entitled "Industry Perspectives," the perspective I offer is my own. While I have followed the subject so as to advise the oil and chemical industries, the views and opinions I have evolved in the process would be no different had I been studying the subject in my former role as General Counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency. So, I am afraid I will not be able to sidestep personal responsibility for what I have to say.
My remarks are addressed solely to the federal legislation that has been introduced—virtually all of which goes well beyond the §301(e) Report—and not to be Report itself. And my remarks are limited to the subject of compensation for non-occupational diseases. Occupationally related diseases and injuries raise different issues and involve unique relationships. They have traditionally—and properly, I believe—called for and been accorded different treatment than that applied to rights, responsibilities, and liabilities among strangers.