Environmental Law Update 2004: The Practical Impacts of This Year's Legal Struggles

December 2004
ELR 11041
Panel discussion

1. Do Endangered Species Act Challenges Still Have Teeth?

William Robert Irvin, M. Reed Hopper, Mark C. Rutzick, David J. Hayes (moderator)

2. What Roles Should Federal and State Governments Play in Fighting Air Pollution?

Jeffrey R. Holmstead, Peter Lehner, Howard A. Learner, Leslie Sue Ritts (moderator)

3. Who Should Pay for Food Safety? Bob Hibbert, Richard Samp, Wenonah Hauter, Douglas T. Kendall (moderator)

This panel is sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute.

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Environmental Law Update 2004: The Practical Impacts of This Year's Legal Struggles

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