Environmental Contamination Treatise: Overview of the Litigation Process

January 2007
ELR 10057
Gary Mason, Nicholas Migliaccio, Dennis Reich, and Michael Howell

Editor's Summary: Toxic torts are among the most complex legal cases, often requiring extensive discovery and the use of expert witnesses. In this Article, authors Gary Mason, Nicholas Migliaccio, Dennis Reich, and Michael Howell provide a comprehensive overview of the toxic tort property damage litigation process. They begin with case evaluation, explaining how to identify potential plaintiffs, defendants, and causes of action. They cover class certification, discovery, and expert witnesses, concluding with sections on damages and settlement.

Gary Mason is a partner in the Mason Law Firm in Washington, D.C., where he specializes in consumer class actions and mass torts. Nicholas Migliaccio is an associate in the Mason law Firm in Washington, D.C. Dennis Reich is a partner at the law firm of Reich & Binstock in Houston, Texas. He is board certified in personal injury trial law and his work also includes class action litigation, product liability, consumer protection, and mass torts. Michael Howell is a member of the law firm of Reich & Binstock in Houston, Texas. As a licensed professional geologist, Howell's practice involves toxic and environmental torts, personal injury, and medical malpractice. [Editors' Note: This Article appears in the book When Bad Things Happen to Good Property, by Robert A. Simons, Ph.D., published in 2006 by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI). The book can be ordered by either calling ELI at 800-433-5120 or logging on to the ELI website at http://www.eli.org.]
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