Is Environmental Alternative Dispute Resolution Working in America?

August 2000
ELR 10661
Robert F. Blomquist

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), in general, is a hot topic. None other than Attorney General Janet Reno observed that:

[An important] component of problem-solving requires us to place an even greater emphasis on negotiation, dispute resolution and collaborative working relationships. Students need to learn in negotiation courses about the obstacles to negotiated agreement and the means for overcoming them.1

The author is a Professor of Law, Valparaiso University School of Law, and a Visiting Professor and Scholar. The Australian National University Law School's Centre on Environmental Law (Australian Biodiversity Law) (Spring 2000). Professor Blomquist received a B.S. from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School), 1973, and a J.D. from Cornell University, 1977. Professor Blomquist can be reached at or (219) 465-7857. Professor Blomquist is Co-Sponsor of the Environmental Law and Policy Concentration at Valparaiso University School of Law. Professor Blomquist has published over 50 articles, essays, and book chapters on environmental law and policy, health law, torts, jurisprudence, and constitutional law. He has also co-edited three books on various subjects of law and policy. Professor Blomquist—having taught law or done scholarly legal research on four continents—has also served on numerous state and local governmental councils, boards, and panels, and consults on a regular basis on environmental and tort law issues. For the past year, be has served, and currently serves, as an environmental law and policy coordinator for the 2000 Presidential Campaign of Governor George W. Bush. The comments and views in this Dialogue do not necessarily express the views of the Bush Campaign.

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