Energy and the Environment: Challenges in a Changing World

May 2019
ELR 10407
Richard DeCesar, Bernie Holcomb, Annie Jones, Jim McElfish, and Chris Miller

U.S. energy requirements, policy, and regulations are changing rapidly. Numerous large-scale energy projects are underway, and generation, supply, and distribution infrastructure is evolving at an unprecedented rate. With these shifts, the focus has turned to energy transmission and pipelines, including regulatory updates, stormwater and erosion and sedimentation control requirements, environmental impact analysis and permitting, and construction monitoring. On January 29, 2019, ELI and AECOM co-sponsored a seminar where leading experts explored these changes and challenges in energy transmission. This Article presents a transcript of the discussion, which has been edited for style, clarity, and space considerations.

ichard DeCesar (moderator) is Vice President of Midstream & Pipelines in the Oil & Gas Market Sector, Design & Consulting Services Group at AECOM, a multinational engineering firm. Bernie Holcomb is a Vice President with AECOM. Annie Jones is the Attorney-Advisor in the Office of Energy Infrastructure Security at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Jim McElfish is a Senior Attorney and Director of the Sustainable Use of Land Program at the Environmental Law Institute. Chris Miller is President of the Piedmont Environmental Council.

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Energy and the Environment: Challenges in a Changing World

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