Digital Technology and the Environment

June 2021
ELR 10470
Wayne S. Balta, Jacob Dencik, Daniel C. Esty, Scott Fulton, and Terry F. Yosie

In September 2020, IBM convened a round table of experts and stakeholders to discuss the potential of data and digital technologies to advance environmental sustainability. More than 25 participants representing government, the private sector, academia, and not-for-profit organizations from around the world attended the event, and explored the opportunities and challenges associated with using data to further environmental objectives. This Comment is adapted from the round table report.

Wayne S. Balta is Vice President of Corporate Environmental Affairs and Product Safety and Chief Sustainability Officer at IBM. Jacob Dencik is Global Economic Research Leader at the IBM Institute for Business Value. Daniel C. Esty is Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy at Yale University. Scott Fulton is President of the Environmental Law Institute. Terry F. Yosie is Former President and Chief Executive Officer at the World Environment Center.

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